So you drive a Tesla...
So you think you are "Green", environmentally friendly, upper class of self indulgence?
Well fuck you.
Today I am going to destroy your lies and pretentious self gratification.
Your Oh look at me I'm so clean Bullshit that makes me vomit projectiles.
I go even further and say you are a pretentious Tesla driving Pedophile just like Elon Musk.
You steal from children you pretentious little elitist bastards and you destroy this world and you all know it.
First let's have a look at your source of electricity, shall we?
Now most of you have no clue how actually a nuclear power plant works.
I do because when I was 16 years old I researched and made a presentation about the security systems of a nuclear power plant and comparing the different methods.
German nuclear power plants have two backup systems in case they fail, French ones on the other hand have only one and this is why they are cheaper.
So you trade security for cheap bucks really.
But how is a nuclear power plant generating electricity?
Well here I show you.
Nuclear Power is the most stupid way to boil an egg
Nuclear power plants are really nothing more than gigantic steam engines.
Only the heat is generated by nuclear fission.
And this is one Truth they don't want you to know about.
Instead they fool you into thinking nuclear power is green and can save the planet.
Nothing could be further from the Truth.
They make use of Jewish Hollywood accounting meaning they take into account only what pleases them without ever taking a holistic approach.
Sure electricity is clean energy but only if the production of this energy is clean.
And this is what they leave out of the equation.
Instead they fool you into thinking bigger is better when it is not.
The future clearly lies in decentralized personal energy.
But centralized power may it be Fascism or Communism alike needs you to believe it is necessary to centralize more power.
They do so with the same Jewish / Hollywood accounting scheme they fool the world.
They say we are x amount of people who need x times y amount of power so we need a huge power plant to generate this power.
What they do not tell you is this:
The more centralized your power generation is, the further away from the power source your destination is, and long power lines means greater losses by power distribution which means you need more power in order to compensate for your losses.
They don't tell you this for a very good reason.
Such a practice is highly wasteful and you come to a point of no return where the power generation cannot cope for power distribution let alone to power the consumers needs.
Now multiply this and you find that it cancels itself out.
The further away you go from the source the higher the losses and the more power you need to compensate.
Meaning the more centralized the power creation the greater the losses, it really is a simple equation. Of course AC allows you to step up voltage but in reality it is unnecessary.
Add to this that the lifespan of a Nuclear power plant is only about 20 years and you see the stupidity.
The solution is equally simple... decentralized personal power.
But this would mean power to the people and less centralized control, which is not in the interest of the chosen few.
Them who must not be named gain power from centralization... they are drunk on their own self satisfying power and they ain't wanna give it up.
So we have to take it from them.
By any means necessary.
Power to the people.
And there is more to this... Daniel Nocera said that you have to build 200 Nuclear Power Plants per year in effect forever just to satisfy the current needs for electricity.
This was in 2009 and it did not include EV's.
With the electrification of cars this energy demand grows exponentially and will break the current Infrastructure as it is not capable for the necessity needed to satisfy EV's.
EV charging points pop out like puppies from a dog harem...
And they sell it to you as environmentally friendly which is a blatant lie.
Also as I point out in this and every article, EV's are problem generators.
One can close their eyes and pretend that if you drive an EV you are clean... how illusionary wrong.
Because the driving part is just one aspect and Ignorance is bliss when it comes to the Tesla crowd.
Take into account the production, materials involved, process and recycling of an EV and you soon find out it is really a dirty business.
Perhaps the most dirty business in this world.
Personally I think every EV owner & driver should have the word "Idiot" tattooed onto their forehead.
The solution is simple:
Use your current car just convert it from Gasoline to Hydrogen.
Possible and way cheaper.
Even safer when you store the Hydrogen as water and convert it as you go.
Impossible you say?
I dare you!
Here is MIT / Harvard Professor Dan Nocera telling everyone how cheap & easy it is to produce Hydrogen.
So we know the technology exists.
We know it works.
We also know it is inexpensive.
So why don't we use it?
The answer is simple and many don't like it to hear.
The Jewish interests... the Arab interests... Big Oil... Big Pharma... and rampant corruption in Politics and Science that viciously attack anyone who states the truth.
They are the problem because they believe in their right to rule over us.
They think they have the right to lie to us.
Because their power comes from Lying to us... deception... money... lies.
They are no good people but they want to look like they save the world... for them maybe... for us clearly not.
They are parasites Liars and shitfaced wankers that stand between me and the future.
Get out of my way I say... or thou shall feel my wrath.
In the name of Nikola Tesla... the future belongs to us.
Lithium Extraction
While electric cars reduce fossil fuel emissions once they are on the road, the production of the lithium-ion batteries that power them causes more displacement and CO2 emissions than the production of regular gas-powered cars. Disposal of the batteries at the end of their life cycle is also a growing concern.
“There are carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions that come with the process of extraction,” said Zeke Hausfather, a scientist at climate research nonprofit Berkeley Earth told Climate360. “[It’s] not like CO2 comes out of the lithium, but it does take energy to mine things — today many of those systems involve emitting CO2.” Lithium-ion battery mining and production were determined to be worse for the climate than the production of fossil fuel vehicle batteries in an article from The Wall Street Journal.
Germany’s worst industrial scandal in recent memory arrived when auto companies fiddled with emissions tests to make diesel cars seem greener than they are. Now a new study suggests that electric cars touted as a diesel alternative also aren’t so great for the environment.
A study this month by the IFO think tank in Munich found that a popular electric car releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than a comparable diesel engine. The authors compared CO2 output for a Tesla Model 3 and a Mercedes C220d sedan. They calculated that the diesel Mercedes releases about 141 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer driven, including the carbon emitted to drill, refine and transport its fuel. The Tesla? Between 156 and 181 grams.
Now apart from the fact that EV's are more dirty than a normal car, there are other problems that are not put into the equation like how to dispose of those batteries.
And the problem only starts there.
Much of the world’s lithium is extracted by tapping into underground “brine” deposits, pumping water rich in lithium salts into large evaporation ponds. Approximately 500,000 gallons of brine must be extracted to produce one metric ton of lithium, which significantly impacts the amount of water available for drinking and agriculture in regions such as Chile’s Atacama Desert. Once evaporation is complete, lithium salts are separated from other deposits and sent away for processing. By-products of the brine extraction process can include everything from sulfuric acid and radioactive uranium to lime and magnesium waste, all of which can increase rates of cancer and other diseases in nearby communities.
Lithium isn’t the only problematic metal in lithium-ion batteries. Cobalt, which can constitute a significant amount of the cathode material, is toxic when inhaled or consumed at above-average levels. Cobalt toxicity can lead to chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and may affect the reproductive system in both men and women. People who mine and process cobalt are at the most acute risk, but as more lithium-ion batteries find their way into waste streams and water supplies, the risk to the public increases.
The cathode material in some high-density lithium-ion batteries includes as much as 80% nickel. Coal-fired nickel smelters, such as the ones found in Indonesia, release carcinogenic sulfur dioxide into the air, and communities near nickel mines and smelting operations have reported elevated rates of deformities and respiratory problems associated with exposure to pollution. The National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health in the US have recommended that the permissible exposure limits for nickel compounds be reduced to 0.015 mg/m3, based on evidence of carcinogenicity.
The Environmental Impact of Lithium Batteries
During the Obama-Biden administration, hydraulic fracturing was accused of causing a number of environmental problems—faucets on fire, contamination of drinking water, etc.—but the administration’s own Environmental Protection Agency could not validate those accusations. Now Biden is planning to transition the transportation sector to electric vehicles that are powered by lithium batteries and require other critical metals where China dominates the market. Mining and processing of lithium, however, turns out to be far more environmentally harmful than what turned out to be the unfounded issues with fracking.
In May 2016, dead fish were found in the waters of the Liqi River, where a toxic chemical leaked from the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine. Cow and yak carcasses were also found floating downstream, dead from drinking contaminated water. It was the third incident in seven years due to a sharp increase in mining activity, including operations run by China’s BYD, one of the world’ biggest supplier of lithium-ion batteries. After the second incident in 2013, officials closed the mine, but fish started dying again when it reopened in April 2016.
100 Toxic Gases from Li-ions—it’s Not Just About Fires
Dozens of dangerous gases are produced by the batteries found in billions of consumer devices, like smartphones and tablets, according to a new study. The research, published in Nano Energy, identified more than 100 toxic gases released by lithium-ion batteries (Li-ions), including carbon monoxide. The gases are potentially fatal, they can cause strong irritations to the skin, eyes and nasal passages, and harm the wider environment.
These toxic gases can be emitted when a Li-ion battery is overheated during charging. Earlier this week, Inventiâ„¢ announced the launch of its newest "hardware smart" solution: Thorâ„¢ Hyperflowâ„¢ Technology. Hyperflow Technology is a fundamentally-different method for charging Li-ion batteries. It eliminates the serious safety concerns swirling around rechargeable batteries in smartphones and other devices. And because Hyperflow Technology also enables faster and more efficient charging than ever before, significant leaps forward in battery energy density will now be possible.
The researchers behind the study of toxic gases and Li-ions, from the Institute of NBC Defence in the Czech Republic and Tsinghua University in China, say many people may be unaware of the dangers of overheating, damaging or using a disreputable charger for their rechargeable devices. In the new study, the researchers investigated the lithium-ion battery, which is placed in two billion consumer devices every year.
All of this is bad enough, but it doesn't even scratch the surface.
EV's are basically computers.
Computers need Microchips.
And there is already a Global Chip Shortage.
Chip shortages result from a mismatch between supply and demand that cannot be addressed quickly either by chip manufacturers by scaling up production or by markets by adapting to the chip production profile. The challenge of resolving the two isn’t going away—and may even grow in size.
Semiconductor demand is unpredictable. The consensus is that future chip demand will be driven by A.I., electric and autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things, and 5G/6G.
And within this Illumination lies another problem... AI.
Now all of the CPU Manufacturers have now AI dedicated on Chip.
Why is this a problem?
Because this AI uses the data you input and sends it back to the Hivemind of AI Quantum Computers.
Basically every device is a Data Terminal for the AI Hivemind.
Every action you do on your device may it be watching porn or researching, talking to your friend, lover mum, what you love what you hate will be recorded in real time and sent to the control of the Hivemind of AI Quantum Computers.
As such Humanity will be reduced to Data Input for the Hivemind of AI Quantum Computers.
There are no feelings anymore.
There are no emotions anymore.
You become machines hooked to AI the Machine.
All you see is all you are allowed to see.
No more Love.
Your life don't matter.
You become the machine.
Hope? No Hope.
You Lost.
Everyone who owns a Tesla is a pedophile.
Why oh why you ask do I make such a bold statement?
The answer is simple:
The higher the demand for Microchips the more expensive they get.
Increasing the prices for Electronics and Computers.
Computers are then so expensive that the ones who would need them for education have no money to buy them.
By buying a Tesla you steal from a child.. not just steal but to deprive them of a future.
Every Tesla has within the software that connects them to the Mossad.
Argus Cyber Security.
Argus Cyber Security is an Israeli automotive cyber security company. It was purchased by Continental AG in 2017, for $430 million. In October 2017, Argus added a solution to enable OEMs to deliver over-the-air vehicle software updates
Argus Cyber Security is a Unit 8200 Company.
They are part of the Mossad Cyber Terrorist Program.
But this is just the beginning...
The beginning of the end of Humanity.
So why do I claim that buying a Tesla is an open act of pedophilia?
For many reasons.
First you deprive children of a computer they need to learn.
So by buying a EV you steal 100 Computers from Children in need.
Also you poison their food & water.
But what is more you create a massive global tsunami of computer trash.
Now back in the 90's I was one of the first to create a scheme for a London Charity on how to recycle computers in an old abandoned warehouse in Peckham.
It was just of the estate where Damilola Taylor was killed in London and at the same time.
I worked there for a few years but I fell out with the Hippie who ran it because they wanted me to build new Computers... I refused.
Let me explain:
We got Computers donated by companies and I took them apart and rebuild some of them so they could be used by people for little money... around 5o pond at that time.
It was a good scheme.
The rest was divided into recyclable materials, valuable materials, metals and so on.
But my Hippie Boss decided we would build new computers and compete with PC-World and stuff like that.
And since I was alone with one occasional helper it didn't make sense.
So I quit.
There are a lot of valuable metals inside computers such as Gold, Platinum & Silver.
These are mainly on PCB boards can be extracted by smelting them.
However this process creates highly toxic fumes.
Some of the materials in one component of e-waste, printed circuit boards (PCBs), are particularly toxic and difficult to recycle, and are often dumped into landfills, on open land or in water, where they pollute the soil and the water systems, damaging human health and the environment.
But of course not in the USA or Europe...
They are being dumped in China
or Africa
Out of sight out of mind...
Here is a Guardian Article on this:
Thousands of discarded computers from western Europe and the US arrive in the ports of west Africa every day, ending up in massive toxic dumps where children burn and pull them apart to extract metals for cash.
Now neither in China nor in Africa there are child protection laws.
So Children who by all rights and all means should go to school and learn something are poisoned on a daily basis by the waste of a western society fueled by Zionist greed and megalomaniac obsessions for a few dollars more.
The result is that women who are pregnant recycling the trash produced by the Über sauber Elite who buy the latest gadget to look smug, while the toxicity of the trash talking subversive elitists is passed onto children.
Children that could do so much better wouldn't they be poisoned by the Zionist Elitists.
And this is Computers we are speaking of, a well known and well ignored problem.
EV's like Tesla are by far worse.
Not only are they build on the toxic materials that are used in computers...
They have now Metamaterials that are worse.
And through the necessity of EV's they are bonded together in such a way that the extraction of valuable materials are exponentially worse.
And who is it that ends up doing this work?
Women & Children below the poverty line.
So Fuck you Ursula von der Leyen.
I hold nothing back here... I hate Ursula von der Leyen and I curse her.
She is a Jewish Illuminazi Bitch and I despise her, her family and all associates of that whore.
She is for me Adolf Hitler with a cunt.
She works for the WEF Zionist Federation which I equally despise.
The Zionists know what they are doing which makes them exponentially more evil than Satan himself.
They force the world into EV poverty by forcing you to buy an EV which is much more expensive in the first place and kills children.
The reason why they are doing this is simple: Total Control.
I explained already that Argus Cyber Security is inside every car including your Tesla.
Now extend this and replace Argus Cyber Security with AI.
Because this will happen in the very near future.
Already every Chip Manufacturer has implemented AI on every CPU.
This will feed the AI hivemind.
So in the future your car will decide where you go, not you.
They talk about autonomous driving which means only that they want to control who and where you are driving to.
And Tesla is on the forefront of this.
Which means you will have no control over anything, not even driving.
Your car will decide where you are driving to.
And this is the real goal of EV's... totalitarian control over every aspect of your life.
EV's are Idiotic... and only Idiots drive EV's.
And Tesla Drivers are the most Idiotic of them all.
And Elon Schmuck... well he is a Transhumanist Nazi.
He is also a Pedophile.
EV's are designed for Total control.
They are more toxic to produce and recycle than 10 normal cars.
They create poverty by stealing computers from children who need them for education.
They are designed in such a way that the recycling process is literally killing Women and Children.
Furthermore when everyone has an EV, the Electric Grid will collapse as the Infrastructure will not be able to cope with the demand.
So the Zionist subversive Elite will then propose more Nuclear Power plants that also will not cope for the demand and the Grid will collapse anyway.
This will increase poverty on a grand scale because nobody is growing food anymore.
The people who pay the price are children, children that with a proper education could benefit society on many levels.
China India and Africa are the countries / continents that will pay the price of the smug Tesla owners.
Elon Musk basically shifted Apartheid from Africa to Tesla in his drive to support Klaus Schwab and the new privatized Fascism of the 4th Reich.
And this is the reality.
Every Tesla driver is a pedophile Nazi.
Fritz Freud.
Great post, thank you!
Good write Fritz.
I had 550lbs of lithium ion battery pack that I couldn't recycle or dispose of.
I offered it the the university.
Electrical engineering depts.
No one wanted it.
I left it at the job site sealed in plastic.
The gardener probably tossing it the trash on the street.