The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold
"So if I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists"
Bullets for your brain today
But we'll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder
Gravity keeps my head down
Or is it maybe shame
At being so young and being so vain
Holes in your head today
But I'm a pacifist
I've walked La Ramblas but not with real intent
And on the street tonight
An old man plays with newspaper cuttings of his glory days
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Manic Street Preachers - If you tolerate this then your children will be next
So here we stand as one as the Human Race on the crossroads of our future and the time has come to make a decision: How much longer do we take this crap?
Between the Future and our extinction these are the two choices we have and to not chose is to fade away into oblivion.
Our so called Leaders represent Loki the trickster of the Human Race and they are all circumcised fascists paid for by the Illusion of money centralized by one family of fascists the Rothschilds.
Others call him Satan or Lucifer but names change patterns don't.
And me as a German I see the same pattern unraveling as did so 100 years ago in Germany when the Nazis of the same Occult Families the Wallenbergs Rothschilds Rockefellers Warburg Schiff createed the monster that was Adolf Hitler just in the same way they created a monster that is called "Covid-19".
The thrird World War is what it says on the tin; it is a war of the world where one Race is promised eternal life (that is the Jews) if they can suppress the Human spirit until they (Occult Families) are technologically so advanced that they can create a nuclear Holocaust and offer this whole planet to Molech .
From the sun they come and into a sun they want to change the environment of this planet their heaven our hell and eliminating the threat to them that is the evolution of the human race into what we really are a space faring race.
They call themselves "Destroyers of Worlds" and have been for a very, very long time.
You look up to the sky and see Venus a planet destroyed by their making Mars and Tiamat all a testament to their megalomaniac Ideologies that at present are the problems that we are facing all of their making.
All of the problems we face can be traced back to those circumcised fascists such as George Soros the Wallenbergs Rothschild Rockefeller Zuckerberg Greenblatt Yellen and so on.
But fascists they are nevertheless twisting our minds with false Ideologies such as transgenderism wokeness and Covid.
There is none of this Bullshit it is all designed to keep the human race as a bonsai and to feed them to the Devil of their making while the good people stand by and watch their whole planet being destroyed some eager to help.
Just like in Germany 100 years ago where a certain Rothschild named Adolf fooled the Germans then and as a result the world as the same Rothschilds fool the world now in believing that a virus exists so deadly they have to enslave us all.
If you tolerate this....
Herny Kissinger I shall piss on his grave the mentor of Klaus Schwab I shall piss on his grave the mentor of Angela Merkel Macron Putin and all the others I shall piss on all their graves these are the monsters worse than Myra Hindley or Ian Huntley and should be brought to justice openly and their screams should fill the universe for all enemies of humankind to take notice that the human race ain't finished yet.
In fact we only just begun.
Why is it that Ghislaine Maxwell is being treated like a Royal?
Is it because she provided the rich and powerful with children to be raped in the clubs and behind the curtain or is it that she is Jewish which leads to the same.
In the Pyramid of Religion there are those who think that they are G-D and you find the same families as well as Ray Kurzweil Bill Gaytes and all others that finance the transformation of this world from Eden to Dune.
Below that you find the Jews Zionists Freemasons Rosecrutions who control the slaves that are Christians and Islam.
It is the Law of Nimrod / Hamurabi that they follow; freedom for them to do evil and laws to enslave the gentile goy.
Just look at Austrailia where the world's best tennis player is thrown into prison for not complying with their fascist Ideology... kill the best enslave the rest their words not mine.
It is the law of Nimrod all over.
If you tolerate this...
At the same time Australia has agreed on a AU$3.5bn (US$2.5bn) deal with the US to upgrade its army’s armored vehicle fleet.
So let me get this straight.
They use the money from you (taxes) to arm the police which consists of fools Idiots and fascists to buy weapons to fight you if you dare to speak up.
And they are doing all of this everywhere through Kissinger Schwab and the World Economic Fascists on behalf of those Jewish Aristocratic Occult families that are controlling you and everyone else.
They are turning this world into a prison colony ready for extermination at warp speed.
Bring out the Guillotine.
And it is not that they haven't done this before.
The slaves of sugar cane were brought in from Africa so that those Jewish Occult families had enough sugar cane to brew rum that they used to intoxicate the North American Native population which to this day suffers from this Alcohol poisoning.
They today as yesterday seek cheap labor to bring harm upon humanity.
They sold Alcohol Guns and small pox infested fleeces to the Native Americans to cull them and today they want to bring back smallpox and other diseases to cull the human race.
If you tolerate this...
They did the same when David Sassoon forced the Indian farmers to plant Opium they brought to China to weaken their population.
There when the Chinese resisted this destruction of their culture they brought in the English fo fight for the criminals that are and were the East Indian Trading operation of the Rothschilds and Sassoons.
Today the Stattlers poison us and we have to shut up.
They did the same when they created the Nazis only to be blamed onto the Germans as a revenge of Martin Luther translating the Bible.
Today they use the Covid hoax in the same way.
Their ways never change.
You are the crown of creation
And you've got no place to go
Soon you'll attain the stability you strive for
In the only way that it's granted:
In a place among the fossils of our time
In loyalty to their kind
They cannot tolerate our minds
In loyalty to our kind
We cannot tolerate their obstruction!
Life is change
How it differs from the rocks
I've seen their ways too often for my liking
New worlds to gain
My life is to survive
Crown of Creation - Jefferson Airplane
Many people feel the same just cannot put their finger where it hurts and that is for a very long time etched in music etched in writings etched in the doings of our masters for we are slaves.
And just like the slaves of old we must shatter our chains and become what they fear; Human.
It is not an easy path for we are animal at heart and often this animal inside us stops us becoming human.
Between the Future and their brave new world order there stands you with all your might slave no longer ready to fight; are you ready?
Have you ever heard of the Law of Possibilities?
If someone can imagine it there is always a possibility for it to come forth.
Here is a possible future and we can achieve it:
We can connect all the world with a network of Hypersonic Zero Emission trains erasing Aviation and giving the sky back to the birds.
We can then us the space that are now airports and turn them into cities with little costs.
We then can go on and re-grow all the deserts and make lush forests out of them.
I know many of you do not believe in climate change but we have a race of "Draco" that are investing to change the climate of our planet that are those Occult Families.
But if we do not create pollution we do not suffer the consequences of them and by this action we will eradicate cancer and all other demons of the human race.
Think about it.
Prevention is the way forward.
We can connect and debate and work together.
We can educate ever man women and child to the best of their abilities and eradicating the demons that possess the human race.
We can visit every planet in this solar system within half a century.
We already have achieved theoretical infinite speed (https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/the-invention-the-illuminati-does )and together can achieve so much more.
What does stand between us having a future and their brave new Zionist world is them and you.
You are allowing them to enslave you.
That is the sad truth.
If you tolerate this... there is no future.
It is you who must stand up.
It is you who must change.
It is you who must help to bring this madness to a grinding halt.
If you tolerate this then your children will be next.
Will you go down as a child murderer or will you stand up to our right to exist?
Their plans (for you that is) are well known, you will own nothing and you will be enslaved.
You must obey the Covid hoax and you will be chipped as a chimp for more you are not to them World Economic Fascists.
All the same they can do whatever they want.
Boris Johnson comes from one of those families who see you as maggots and he is one of the "Bullington Club" that is one of the Occult Societies where the rich families bring their children to, to become the trickster G-D of the human race and lead them into self destruction.
And all them are one family related by blood to each others.
They combine against us using money ignorance brutality and subversion perversion as a weapon against humanity to keep them busy as in "business" so that they do not see the grand picture that is a world enslaved by Elon Musk Starlink Network Tesla Robots and humanity connected to AI via Klaus Schwab's nanotechnology inside the shots masquerading as vaccines.
They are pedophiles.
We the human race as a race are children infants we do not know ourselves because we never been told the truth about ourselves.
All we ever been told is a lie.
Enough to work the machines but never enough to question the authority of our oppressors.
If you tolerate this...
Between the future and this Brave New Zionist World where are you?
Where is your anger in all of this?
Have you been castrated have you been domesticated?
Can you see the walls of the prison that surrounds you a prison of your own imagination?
I tell you a secret one that you already know...
Money is a psychological drug that has infested humanity.
It controls the thinking movement and action of most people driven by it and that are most people.
It has created a bond of addicts in a culture of insanity that look in all the wrong places tor solutions to that insanity only to make matters worse.
It controls the evolution of humanity by concentrating only on the mathematical aspect where as they as a mathematical race have always the aces.
It is a daily reset on the values that is the imaginary power of consumption.
It is the unseen strings that control humanity while the puppet masters sit behind the curtain and on the stage the banks yield all the power.
It is the power they use to cull the human race.
If you tolerate this...
The human brain has attached 20% of its capabilities to each of its five senses.
The mathematical capability is within the sense of "seeing" making you use less than 10% of your brains capability.
There you have the eye of Horus as a symbol of your enslavement by using mathematics.
Does it all make sense now?
Because when it all makes sense we have a feeling that is understanding because we are gentiles we live by our feelings.
Further more we possess the intelligence of feelings and the capabilities within our brains to even be telepathic to some extent.
Understanding comes from the heart it is really a truth feeling.
Do not be ashamed of your feelings they belong to you, try to understand them instead and let yourself be guided by them.
We face an Army of soulless Zombies who try to force a lethal injection upon humanity and that cannot be allowed to happen.
There is no difference to these shots as the Gas Chambers were in Auschwitz they are one and the same.
Do not take this shower.
Do not drink the cool aid.
Do not stop to speak up for yourself because if you don't no one else will.
Between the Future and a Brave New World of their making there stands you.
You and you alone.
Fritz Freud
Djokovic was not in prison,but in a quarantine hotel.I agree,though Australia's politicians are filthy bxxxxxxs.
That essay, to be blunt, is chaotic and hard on the eyes, too. So I'm wondering how it contributes to the pressing need of nations to prepare for a rebellion against the nation of egocentricity and narcissism. There's also a disturbing fact about your dream which, I think, you have been resisting.
The villains of your story here are like the Sky People in the movie "Avatar". Those characters travelled to Pandora to plunder the planet, rather like how "Western" civ has travelled the Earth for more than 5 centuries. Granted, the analogy is imperfect. In the movie, the Terrans do not come to buy and sell, only to grab what they want, destroying any obstacle in their way. So how would fetishizing technology and frantic secularism tend not to lead the human race into becoming like the Sky People??